Lithuanian Post 154 History  

The 2018 Installation of Officers celebration was combined with the 75th anniversary of Lithuanian Post 154. To memorialize the occasion, a 75 year Anniversary Booklet was published, a 75 Year pin was issued and a plaques honoring US veterans of Lithuanian descent was mounted at entrance of Lithuanian Hall. Pictures of the pin and plaque are on first pages of the 75 Year Booklet below.

Lithuanian Post 154 - 75th Anniversary Booklet with Post History   


Lithuanian Post 154 submitted its "2022-2023  History of Lithuanian Post 154" to compete against other Posts with less than 150 members at the 2023 Department of Maryland Convention. Lithuanian Post won as the best submission in the under 150 Post member category and was also selected as "Best Overall History Book" at the Convention including Posts with over 1,000 members. The below document has been updated with 2023-2024 events and has been submitted in the 2024 Department of Maryland Convention History Book competition. Hopefully it will do well.        

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